
We provide a platform where cultural differences are celebrated and collaborations are formed. 


To spread, promote, and inspire cultural tolerance globally.  


We believe culture can be experienced through our five senses, and that exploring sensory moments gives us a glimpse into the depth of one another’s culture.

“Common sense is that which judges the things given to it by other senses.”     -Leonardo Di VincI-


Artist @kemikulz

Artist @kemikulz


View life through different lenses and perspectives of those you encounter

Artist @kemikulz

Artist @kemikulz


Get taken away by the sound of it all, in a concert, a speech, or the musical notes of a new setting

 Artist @kemikulz

 Artist @kemikulz


 Feel the sand beneath your feet, the fabric between your fingers, the air of a new destination



Allow the scents of the unknown to create memories for you to reminisce about



Explore and discover flavors of the world, & expand your palate


about us

Proud to be citizens of the world.  We are passionate about celebrating culture, and believe that social connectivity can be achieved through education and unique experiences.

Spread Positivity Through Experience


We offer cultural education through curated travel and event experiences to people with a positive voice and genuine curiosity for cultures beyond their own.  

We host events around the world to honor collective projects and celebrate International cultures.  We organize collaborations between Western and Middle Eastern artists, musicians, and influencers.

For those who meet qualification criteria, we will offer travel opportunities to experience the depth of culture around the Middle East.  


Amazing live painting at our event by artist @artoframan

Amazing live painting at our event by artist @artoframan

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Collaboration with @RagAndBone by @MitchMathis & @CheickMeOut 

Collaboration with @RagAndBone by @MitchMathis & @CheickMeOut